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Healthy Lifestyle: Living Simply and with Purpose

April 07, 2022

By Stephanie Parker, CPA, MSFP, and Michael LoColle

As wellness professionals, we believe in living simply and with purpose. Finding the happiness in life is found when you feed the mind, body and soul. When the mind, body and soul are in harmony, you can achieve anything, especially your fitness, nutrition and wellness goals.  Feeling great every day of the year is possible.  

Understanding and recognizing that our bodies are extremely complicated, just like the tax code, is the first step to achieving success in your health journey. Don’t take it lightly. You should call a doctor when you have a ache or pain, you're feeling depressed or anxious, or if you have a swelling or rash. We all need professionals to guide and navigate the human anatomy and its complexities. Hiring professionals in the fitness, nutrition and wellness industry who are willing and able to discuss the mind, body, and soul connection is key to a finding a healthy lifestyle that is unique to you. Because the mind controls our consciousness and thoughts, the soul is our spiritual nature and the body follows each, all three should be discussed and looked upon as part of our uniqueness and accepted as gifts in life. We can heal from past wrongs and working on methods to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of our lives is possible at any stage in life.  

Let us focus on the mind, soul and body in this order. They all need attention and routine maintenance for long-term success.

The Mind = your mindset is vital to success. 

This is your consciousness and thoughts. Raising your level of awareness is vital to achieving success in life. You must be aware of why you want to achieve fitness, nutrition and wellness goals. Dig deep and you may find it is not what you thought. Ask yourself what is causing you to focus on your outside appearances rather than the inside of your body.  Most believe those our outside appearances are making us more desirable to others and helping us fit into family and community.

However, if we dig a bit deeper, we will see that just wanting to look good for the beach or a wedding is not a good reason to start a fitness, nutrition and wellness program. The real reason to start this type of program is because you are not feeling comfortable or confident about your body. Feeling insecure comes from the fact that your body is not behaving the way you desire. Your stomach acts up unexpectedly and you need to be near a restroom, you suffer from unexpected panic attacks due to anxiety, you trip or fall easily due to balance issues. You feel insecure when your body doesn’t look or behave the way you want and this lowers our self esteem. Hearing this strikes a chord with everyone. No one is exempt. Your chances of success in obtaining your fitness, nutrition and wellness goals will be higher if you admit the facts to yourself. You will be more likely to reach your desired goals and continue to see more progress if you are honest with yourself as to why you are seeking help from professionals. Admit all that is not well and the professionals can focus on helping you.

Soul = your mind’s character-emotional or intellectual energy or intensity

Nutrition for the soul comes in the form of information, it’s what we are feeding our minds.  The books we read, how we speak to ourselves and others, the media we watch and the friendships and social circles we form with others, all contribute to our successes and failures in life especially if we understand how they are influencing us on a daily basis, negatively or positively. Spending the time to help ourselves grow personally and professionally and understand what we are feeding our soul is key to discovering positive energy in our lives. The positive energy will keep us from being beaten down by negative energy and help us solve daily dilemmas.

Body = the vessel allowing us to function daily

Nutrition for the body comes from what we put into our mouths and onto our skin. It either energizes us or leaves us depleted. Understanding what keeps us running on all cylinders is one of the essentials to feeling great every day all year long. If you own a Formula 1 Race Car, would you put regular gas in it? The answer is no, so why do you feed this important vessel with the foods that are low in nutritional value?  Eating processed junk food all day will result in feeling sick and tired. Eating high quality unprocessed nutrient dense foods is key and eating meats, grains, fruits and vegetables every day in the correct quantities, with awareness about macro and micronutrients will result in treating your body like a temple.

Fitness for the body comes in many forms of exercise — it can be group sports, walking, biking, hiking, kayaking, running etc., but the key factor to being able to do any of these things is to admit that you need to keep up your cardiovascular system so when you do any of these activities you won’t be winded to the point you are discouraged and quit. Also, it is important to remember that strength and balance are key to doing any activity affectively and safely. Your temple deserves and expects fitness for overall health and immunity against viruses and diseases. Exercise helps you sleep and it tells your body that it needs wholesome nutrient dense foods to function efficiently. The Formula 1 Race Car needs to be driven, it expects and deserves to be running on all cylinders, our bodies are not different.  

So how does this all equate to living simply and with purpose?

We are here to tell you that our American culture has made fitness, nutrition and wellness difficult to understand with the marketing of 30-90 day programs that you must follow to lose those stubborn 20 lbs or you must purchase the cycle or mirror with a virtual instructor telling you how fast and slow to go to get your heart rate up and burn those calories.  

It doesn’t equate to living simply and with purpose because these programs are not about being sustainable, they are short term solutions to long term problems. They don’t teach you how to look inside first, heal the pain and suffering from the past, learn about psychology and positive behaviors that will last a life time and recognize negative behaviors that have plagued people for decades. Doctors will treat the symptoms with a prescription drug but not get to the root of the problem. This is what fitness, nutrition and wellness professionals do for you what a doctor does not have the time or resources to do. The doctor doesn’t have time to guide you and coach you on a weekly or regular basis and that is not their fault, it is a symptom of the American healthcare system.  

Changing to live a healthy lifestyle, requires a deep dive into discovering how you got to be in the place you are now physically, emotionally and mentally. Addressing health and wellness problems by seeking help with healing the mind, body and soul is important so they are in harmony. When they are in harmony, you are living simply and with purpose.  

Quick tips to live by in these last few weeks of busy season:

  1. Fitness: Make an appointment with yourself to walk, go to a group fitness class in person or online or hire a trainer to come to your place of employment to get you moving and accountable (most office buildings have a gym). It is that simple.
  2. Nutrition: Start moving away from consuming fast foods filled with preservatives, sugar and unhealthy fillers. Learn why low fat, no fat and gluten free are not the best options for everyone. Order online from a wholesome well researched food service where the food is prepared for you and stored easily or go to your local supermarket and buy the healthy prepared lunches and dinners. This is simple.
  3. Meditation: Meditation is about finding mental clarity and what belongs and what doesn't belong in your life.  Find a quiet place with little noise. Sit and be with your thoughts. Take a walk in the woods or walk around a pond or lake and stare into it, or take a bike ride. These are moments in a day when we need to seek calm and peace so we can rest our minds. This is simple.

Stephanie Parker, CPA, MSFP, is a MassCPAs member and is the co-owner and certified transformation life coach at Soul Warrior Consulting, Inc. Contact her at Michael LoColle is a co-owner, certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant, and certified shamanic life coach at Soul Warrior Consulting, Inc. Contact him at