With the November 5, 2024, State Election approaching, voters in Massachusetts will face five statewide ballot questions. To help you understand the potential outcomes, MassCPAs has outlined the implications of each answer:
Question #1: State Auditor’s Authority to Audit the Legislature
Yes - Allows the state auditor to review all the activities and finances of the state legislature, and any groups created by it.
No - Prevents the state auditor from reviewing all the activities and finances of the state legislature, and any groups created by it.
Question #2: Elimination of MCAS as High School Graduation Requirement
Yes - Removes the requirement for students to pass the MCAS exam to graduate high school.
No - Keeps the requirement for students to pass the MCAS exam to graduate high school.
Question #3: Unionization for Transportation Network Drivers
Yes - Allows transportation drivers to form unions and negotiate together. And requires the state to manage and approve negotiations on pay, benefits, and work conditions.
No - Opposes allowing transportation drivers to form unions and negotiate together.
Question #4: Limited Legalization and Regulation of Certain Natural Psychedelic Substances
Yes - Allows for controlled access to some psychedelic substances.
No - Does not allow for controlled access to some psychedelic substances.
Question #5: Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers.
Yes - Supports raising tipped employees' wages to match the minimum wage by 2029 while still allowing tips.
No - Opposes raising tipped employees' wages to match the minimum wage by 2029.