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A Message from President & CEO Amy Pitter

June 05, 2020

Editor's Note: Please click here to read Amy's interview with Accounting Today on addressing racism in the accounting profession.

Like so many in our community, I have been deeply affected by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the ongoing protests in our country. The MSCPA represents more than 11,000 members from countless races, cultures, creeds, and ethnicities. The Society denounces all forms of racism and remains committed to a mission that embraces diversity, equality, inclusion and anti-racist practices. Racial injustices, including racist statements, are never condoned or excused, and they have no place in our organization or society. Incidents and injustices like the killing of George Floyd are jarring and heartbreaking, and, unfortunately, happen all too often when once is too much. 
Where do we go from here? In these tragic times, I am hopeful for what lies ahead – but we must put in the work. I have been reaching out to leaders in our profession locally, and I've been reading powerful statements by national leaders, and this has led me to believe that this time will be different. Each of these leaders has put out powerful and unequivocal statements that racism and racial injustice exist and that we stand firmly against it. Each of these leaders have put their money where their mouths are in donating to organizations that fight racial injustice; they are working to create safe spaces in their organizations to have the uncomfortable conversations we need to have about race to create the kind of diverse workspaces that are essential to our profession; and they are educating themselves and their staff about the issues of racial injustice, because understanding is the key to overcoming.

Firms of all sizes are doing this, and it's this kind of honesty and determination that makes me hopeful this will be the true turning point in combatting racism in our society. There is much to be done, and the time to act is now. Many members have reached out looking for ways they can give back, and as today would have been our Day of Service, I'd like to share this list of resources and organizations that support the fight against racism. 
On a personal level, we must care for one another, treat others with the same respect and dignity you would want and keep lines of communications open. Listening is critical to finding a solution, and we must take actions that follow our words if we are to truly achieve a more just and inclusive world. I look forward to putting in the work with you!
Stay safe and have a great weekend.


Amy Pitter
MSCPA President/CEO