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MSCPA #MemberMonday - Gabrielle Kelly, Planet Fitness Headquarters

August 19, 2019

Gabrielle Kelly
Senior Lead Accountant
Planet Fitness Headquarters

  1. If you weren’t doing this… I'd be a professional crafter!
  2. Where did you go to college? UNH, Durham, NH
  3. What’s your favorite color? Coral and teal!
  4. What was the last book you read? Cribsheet (I have an 11 month old daughter)
  5. What was the last TV show you watched? Currently re-watching Parks n Rec
  6. What was your first job? Mall of NH (I still can’t stand the mall smell!)
  7. What’s your favorite food? Steak and Cheese sub
  8. What’s your favorite restaurant? Anything Italian… YUM!
  9. What organizations do you like to give back to/volunteer for?Samaritans 
  10. What about accounting excites you the most? The puzzle!

Do you know someone who we should feature in next month's #MemberMonday? Contact Brendan Sullivan!