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How Do Your Firm’s Salaries Compare with Others Its Size?

May 23, 2018

The newly redesigned and streamlined 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey is now open and ready for your participation

It’s so easy to get so focused on hitting the next deadline or winning that next new client that we lose sight of what’s happening around us. It happens without our realizing it, as we work hard to meet client expectations and firm goals. But if we don’t look around, we miss out on the chance to learn from others by spotting new trends, pinpointing gaps and identifying opportunities to improve our firms’ profitability.

Good news, here’s your chance to capitalize on valuable outside perspectives. The newly redesigned and streamlined 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey enables you and your colleagues to benchmark operations to keep your firm on pace with changes in the profession. Our Society is pleased to be a supporting member of this popular survey once again this year.

Redesigned for busy practitioners like you
As the CPA profession’s largest benchmarking tool makes its 2018 debut there are some important changes for you to know about. For starters, it has undergone a major overhaul. The survey has been streamlined for increased relevance and focuses on important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified by practitioners to help your firm better understand the new workplace as it looks to move successfully into the future. This redesign means it is easier for you to participate and takes significantly less time to complete.

What’s in it for you?

  • Free personalized report with today’s most important KPIs including:

o Financial performance measures

o Firm realization

o Billing rates and compensation

o And more

  • Clear picture of how your firm aligns with similar sized practices, both regionally and nationally
  • Practical insights into building a more profitable practice
  • PCPS Members receive additional benefits, including all access to the survey platform for real time comparisons, downloadable trends reports, PowerPoint reports and customizable reports by specified filters when results are available

What’s involved?
Participation is free and open to all firms. Now in the time it takes to catch up on your favorite social media platform or enjoy a coffee break, you can complete the newly redesigned questionnaire with greater ease. All information is of course strictly confidential.

Are you ready to be in the know?
Click here to get started on the 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey. Don’t delay. The survey closes on July 16.