CPE & Event Calendar
For details about the CPE and event categories below, please click here.

Surgent's Life After Adoption: Applying Topic 606 to Revenue Contracts on an Ongoing Basis - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
While the effective date of Topic 606 has passed for most entities, there will always be a need for a comprehensive review of the accounting related to revenue recognition. Also, if you are taking advantage of the FASB deferral of Topic 606's effective date, you are still completing your implementation plan. Whether you are looking to improve your revenue recognition processes, benchmark your financial statement disclosures against your peer group, or assess the impact of changes to your revenue recognition processes due to COVID-19, this course will provide you with the information you need to apply Topic 606 in this current environment. This course will both provide the detailed review of the Topic 606 guidance, including identifying and discussing those areas of Topic 606 implementation which were the most challenging for many entities. We will review the Topic 606 five-step revenue recognition model, highlighting areas of nuance and significant judgment, and focus on disclosure requirements under the new standard. Then we'll focus on lessons learned from companies' ongoing implementation of the new guidance, focusing on ways to continue to enhance the recording of revenue, the relevancy of the financial statement disclosures related to revenue, and addressing common operational issues which arose with the adoption of Topic 606. Plus, the course will point out the accounting impact of changes that many companies made to their revenue recognition approaches as a result of COVID-19. As public companies have already found out, the application of Topic 606 is an evolving exercise, with great opportunity to improve your original efforts by learning from the results of others. This course will provide the forum to do so.
Surgent's Limited Liability Companies: Losses, Liquidations, Terminations, Continuations, and Sales - Download
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
The purpose of this course is to provide an in-depth discussion of selected advanced-level issues affecting LLCs and LLPs.
Surgent's Liquidation of Flow-Through Entities for LLCs and Partnerships - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Part of the technical competence of most experienced tax practitioners is the ability to advise owners of S corporations and partnerships or multiple-member LLCs treated as partnerships regarding the tax rules that apply when these entities liquidate. Entity liquidations do not occur every day; but they do occur, and often at very critical times in the business life of the entity and its owners. All tax practitioners should be able to advise their clients about the tax issues associated with client businesses that go out of existence and liquidate. This program explains the tax consequences associated with liquidating S corporations, partnerships, and multiple-member limited liability companies treated as partnerships.
Surgent's Loss Limitations - A Mechanical Review - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Owners of S corporations and partnerships are subject to various limitations on pass-through losses, each with unique rules, applications, and complexities. As many businesses are reporting losses as a result of COVID-19, it is essential for tax practitioners to understand the mechanical aspects of each limitation and how they coordinate to provide effective planning for loss utilization in future periods.
Surgent's Louisiana Ethics for CPAs - Download
Available Until
3.00 Credits
Member Price: $59
Professional conduct and ethical behavior are really the backbone of the entire accounting and auditing profession. These components form the foundation upon which our creditability with the general public is built, without which, there is no profession. Whether you are a practitioner in public accounting or business and industry, you must always act in accordance with the requirements that define professional conduct and ethical behavior. This course meets the requirement that Louisiana license holders must complete three continuing education credits as part of their annual reporting requirement covering the applications of professional standards and responsibilities. This course discusses common ethical frameworks relevant to the practice of public accountancy, provides a detailed review of the ethical requirements for Certified Public Accountants as found in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Code of Professional Conduct (Code), and discusses the major provisions of Louisiana's Professional and Occupational Standards governing the practice of certified public accountants in the state of Louisiana. Through case studies and other examples, the course will highlight pertinent LA rules as well as compare and contrast these rules to those of other regulatory agencies, such as the AICPA, GAO, PCAOB, and SEC. The course will further address the similarities and differences between the Code requirements for CPAs in public accounting and industry, including the threats to independence inherent in both. The course will also cover the implications of the recently proposed and effective independence interpretations, including those related to a CPA's responsibility to address and report on known or suspected noncompliance with laws and regulations. The primary objectives of this course are to educate CPAs regarding ethics and ethical behavior; review, emphasize, and convey the intent of ethical standards and responsibilities relating to a CPA's performance of professional accounting services; and help CPAs apply ethical judgment in the context of the public interest through the use of illustrative case studies.
Surgent's Maine Ethics for CPAs - Download
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Professional conduct and ethical behavior are really the backbone of the entire accounting and auditing profession. These components form the foundation upon which our creditability with the general public is built, without which, there is no profession. Whether you are a practitioner in public accounting or business and industry, you must always act in accordance with the requirements that define professional conduct and ethical behavior. This course fulfills the Maine Board of Accountancy requirement that each CPA and public accountant (PA) license holder must complete four hours in professional ethics every three years. The course includes a brief look at the principles and concepts which form the foundation of ethical behavior; an overview of the core principles of professional conduct -- integrity, objectivity, and independence; recent changes to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct; and a review of Maine accountancy laws and rules. The primary objective of this course is to provide a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of an individual licensed to practice public accountancy in Maine.
Surgent's Management Fundamentals - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
As you advance in your public accounting careers, your responsibilities significantly increase. The skills required for continued success go beyond your technical skills but also include others that you may not have had a chance to develop earlier in your careers. Several of these new responsibilities involve engagement management and managing your team. Mastering these skills is key to your long-term success in public accounting. In this session, we'll review the keys to successful management, including ways to best develop your team, how to successfully engage your team and build their trust and how best to present information for retention. Lastly, we'll review the critically important skill of delegation, focusing on what the best tasks are to delegate and how to empower your team without micromanaging them. (Please Note: This module is part of Surgent's Audit Skills Training: Level 4.)
Surgent's Management's Discussion and Analysis - What You Need to Know - Download
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
This course provides an overview of the rules and regulations with respect to the management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) section of an entity's consolidated financial statements filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). MD&A has been, and continues to be, a primary focus area of the SEC when reviewing public company filings. In fact, it has consistently ranked in the top 10 of the most frequent comment letters issued by the SEC.
Surgent's Managing Millennials - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
By 2025, millennials will represent 75% of the workforce. Whether you are an owner of a small practice or manager in a multinational corporation, it is important to understand characteristics and expectations of this large segment of the workforce. Research reveals that many of the common stereotypes surrounding millennials are unfounded and counterproductive. This course provides an understanding of who millennials are in comparison to their predecessors, the Gen-Xers and baby boomers. Equally important, the presentation will look at common myths regarding millennials and why understanding this class of employees provides opportunities for your organization to grow and succeed.
Surgent's Marijuana: A Generalized Business Viewpoint - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Each year, more states legalize cannabis (i.e., marijuana) for medical or recreational purposes. As legalization grows, so too does the cannabis industry. While some financial professionals have stayed away from this growing sector of the economy, others have embraced the opportunities the cannabis industry has to offer. The legalization of cannabis brings with it a complex regulatory landscape, which includes strict compliance with federal and state regulations. However, the complexity of this emerging market provides opportunities for accountants and other financial professionals. Behind the cannabis dispensaries are scores of related business sectors including food production, retail, farming, and chemical production, as well as facilities, design, and construction. Simply stated, the commercialization of marijuana offers financial professionals an opportunity to participate in an industry expected to reach $73 billion worldwide within six years.
Surgent's Massachusetts Ethics for CPAs - Download
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Professional conduct and ethical behavior are really the backbone of the entire accounting and auditing profession. These components form the foundation upon which our creditability with the general public is built, without which, there is no profession. Whether you are a practitioner in public accounting or business and industry, you must always act in accordance with the requirements that define professional conduct and ethical behavior. This course fulfills the Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy (Board) requirement that during the two-year period immediately preceding re-licensing, applicants for biennial license renewal must complete four hours of acceptable continuing education in the area of professional ethics. The course includes a brief look at the principles and concepts which form the foundation of ethical behavior; an overview of the core principles of professional conduct -- integrity, objectivity, and independence; recent changes to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct; and a review of the Board's Rules and Regulations governing the practice of public accountancy. The primary objective of this course is to provide a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of an individual licensed to practice public accountancy in Massachusetts.
Surgent's Mastering Accounting for Income Taxes - Download
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Since its inception nearly 30 years ago, many have continued to struggle with applying the current model for accounting for income taxes, ASC 740. But this does not have to be you. This course will provide you with the basic knowledge necessary to understand the complexities of this challenging topic. Through discussions and use of exercises, this course will analyze the authoritative literature to provide a thorough understanding of such topics as deferred taxes, income tax expense, uncertain tax positions and other classification and disclosure requirements related to income taxes. We will also explore some specialized areas of income tax accounting, such as intra-period allocations of income tax expense and accounting for changes in tax laws and rates, and we will review proposed updates to ASC 740 disclosures on which the FASB is contemplating. In summary, this course is the place to be to enhance your accounting for income taxes IQ.
Surgent's Mastering Accounting for Income Taxes - On-Demand Webcast
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Since its inception nearly 30 years ago, many have continued to struggle with applying the current model for accounting for income taxes, ASC 740. But this does not have to be you. This course will provide you with the basic knowledge necessary to understand the complexities of this challenging topic. Through discussions and use of exercises, this course will analyze the authoritative literature to provide a thorough understanding of such topics as deferred taxes, income tax expense, uncertain tax positions and other classification and disclosure requirements related to income taxes. We will also explore some specialized areas of income tax accounting, such as intra-period allocations of income tax expense and accounting for changes in tax laws and rates, and we will review proposed updates to ASC 740 disclosures on which the FASB is contemplating. In summary, this course is the place to be to enhance your accounting for income taxes IQ.
Surgent's Mastering Basis Issues for S Corporations, Partnerships, and LLCs - Download
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
The most difficult concepts to master when dealing with flow-through business entities are the basis and distribution concepts. Major error and malpractice issues occur if the CPA does not fully understand the impact of these rules. This course is designed to focus on the practical applications of these rules.
Surgent's Max the Tax: Common Deductions - Download
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
During this interactive simulation, you will interview a sophisticated client who is knowledgeable about the latest changes in tax laws. This client always comes prepared with ideas of what deductions he may take, and it is your job to determine whether his claims are accurate and consistent with the latest tax regulations.
Surgent's Max the Tax: Crowdfunding - Download
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Your client, Aida, wants to share an amazing new product and service with the world, but she needs funding. The product, a sensory jacket, syncs with virtual reality (VR) apps so people can use more of their senses in VR experiences. Ask relevant questions to create an effective fundraising campaign for the product.
Surgent's Max the Tax: Crypto Craze - Download
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Participants must use their expertise to assist a new client who just received Letter 6173 from the IRS. The client didn't share any crypto-related transactions or events with the tax accountant who filed the original return. It's up to the participants to meet with the client and uncover details of the activities so an accurate, amended tax return can be completed. They must carefully ask questions to get all the relevant information, determine the proper changes to taxable income, and submit the documentation correctly to avoid an IRS response and losing the new client.
Surgent's Max the Tax: Entity Selection - Download
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
A client is starting a new business and needs advice on whether to choose an S or C corporation. She is seeking support to determine the most advantageous entity from a tax-efficiency perspective. Participants will first ask relevant questions about the client's plans and then advise her on entity selection based on their expertise.
Surgent's Max the Tax: Equity Compensation - Download
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Liam, a public relations executive, needs expert advice regarding equity compensation options he has received. Liam researched key topics but needs the participant's help to validate his findings. Then, participants will review various equity compensation scenarios and advise on the most appropriate tax planning strategies available (e.g., 83(b) election, etc.).
Surgent's Max the Tax: Metaverse - Download
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Your client, Multi-Mega Markets Corporation (MMM), a global conglomerate with businesses in entertainment, fashion, retail, software, technology and other industries, is looking for advice on the state of the metaverse. They are considering starting a new subsidiary in the metaverse called The MegaVerse (TMV). Your help is needed to share accurate information about the metaverse, choose the most appropriate MMM subsidiaries to be associated with the metaverse, and make decisions regarding interoperability.