CPE & Event Calendar
For details about the CPE and event categories below, please click here.
Exploring Internal Controls That Could Have Prevented Frauds
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
This course examines actual fraud circumstances through the lens of potential prevention. We will examine how selected frauds were accomplished and consider what internal controls may have prevented fraudsters' ability to accomplish their nefarious acts. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
How to Create an ROI-Based Marketing Plan for Your Firm
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $55
This course will help you develop a strategic marketing and business development plan for your firm using 7 key principles to help maximize lead generation. You will learn how to establish and grow your B2B business in any niche using time-tested strategies, proven processes for attracting and retaining customers, and how to measure your results so you can spend your money and time effectively to own your market and attract higher ROI clients. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Inventory, Expense and Payroll Fraud
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Inventory is a wonderful place to both hide fraud and commit fraud. The reasons that inventory is subject to so much fraud is the it is often very large, spread out over a large area, and many people have access to it. When there are little or no internal controls related to inventory control, you are begging employees to steal it. No with so many ways to dispose of stolen inventory via the internet, i.e., EBAY, inventory fraud is much more appealing to a lot of individuals. The more common ways to commit expense fraud and how to cover it up will also be discussed. Travel and entertainment are some of the favorite areas of committing expense fraud. In addition, payroll fraud will be discussed. Although there are many ways to commit payroll fraud, it is very easy to prevent. This presentation is designed to familiarize the participants with the many ways to commit inventory, expense and payroll fraud, how to detect it, and more importantly, how to prevent it.
2024 Nonprofit Taxation Rules and Form 990
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
This course explores the latest tax provisions impacting non-profit entities, including charities, hospitals, and universities, with a focus on common issues CPAs may face when completing their clients Form 990. **Please Note: If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to kori.herrera@acpen.com.
2024 Let's Meet at the Intersection of Fraud and Ethics
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
This course explores actual fraud circumstances through the lens of potential prevention. We will examine how selected frauds were accomplished and consider what internal controls may have prevented fraudsters from achieving their nefarious acts. Then we will switch gears to an interactive, case-based discussion that asks participants to reach their own conclusions by analyzing facts in concert with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and other sources of ethical guidance. This course provides practical, action-oriented insight that can be implemented by accounting professionals in both public practice and industry.
2024 S Corporations: How to Calculate Shareholder Basis
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
A detailed analysis of the calculations related to determining a shareholder's tax basis for S corporation shares and loans. How to use the Form 1120S, Schedule K-1 information for basis determination. An illustrative example demonstrates how the process works, as well as the many potential pitfalls. **Please Note: If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to kori.herrera@acpen.com.
2024 Self-Rental Real Estate Passive Activity Rules
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Loans, rental agreements, business combinations – what do these all have in common? They all have the potential of creating a related party transaction. This program presents a detailed analysis of the financial accounting rules for transactions with related parties, as well as compares and contrasts those rules with the AICPA financial reporting framework for small and medium-sized entities. **Please Note: If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to kori.herrera@acpen.com.
Auditing For Fraud
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Auditors are required by Generally Accepted Auditing Standards to perform audit procedures to determine if the financial statements are materially misstated due to error OR FRAUD. Unfortunately, in the past the profession has focused on misstatements due to errors and largely ignored to possibility of misstatements due to fraud. While SAS No. 122, AU 240, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit sets forth the procedures that auditors are required to perform in each audit to determine if the financial statements are materially misstated due to fraud, this program presents a practical approach to making such a determination. It’s not a substitute for the requirements in SAS 122, AU 240, but rather an informal supplement to the standard with some common-sense procedures which are designed from my over 30 plus years of directing fraud investigations. After attending this session, you will more than likely never look at a financial statement audit the same way.
2024 Guide to Deducting Travel, Meals and Entertainment Expenses
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
This program will explain the new rules for deducting travel, meals and entertainment expenses and the TCJA disallowance of business entertainment expenses. Documentation requirements and planning opportunities related to travel, entertainment, and automobile expenses will also be addressed. **Please Note: If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to kori.herrera@acpen.com.
2024 Professional Skepticism for the Public Accountant
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39
Accountants are expected to demonstrate a questioning mindset. While such professional skepticism is an obvious requirement for assurance engagements, it is applicable elsewhere in the practice of public accounting. In fact, a skeptical mindset offers benefits to both public accountants and those who work in industry. This course provides specific examples of professional skepticism while suggesting best practices.
Independence and Conflicts of Interest
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $55
This course focuses on how to integrate independence and avoid conflicts of interest in situations accounting professionals face daily. Participants will be able to know not just what is the right thing to do according to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, but how to put values into action. As part of this course, we also walk through real-world examples of individuals and companies faced with these dilemmas. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
2024 How to Choose the Right Business Entity for Your Client
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Tax rates, personal liability, operations – these are all factors to be weighed when advising clients about their choice of entity decision. This session provides a comparison of the multiple entity choices to start the discussion with clients and selecting the best tax efficient option for them. **Please Note: If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to kori.herrera@acpen.com.
2024 Annual Update for Accountants & Auditors
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $239
This course will start with the Accounting Standard Updates effective in 2024 for public entities, private entities, and nonprofits. We'll then switch our attention to the items coming down the pike, including a look at the projects identified by the FASB's Invitation to Comment: Agenda Consultation. We'll also review year 2 considerations for leases including modification accounting. Then we will switch gears, switching to the audit side of the house. We'll review the impact of the changes to auditing group audits as well as the status of the AICPA's quality management project management. This course will keep auditors up to date on the work of the ASB. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Erase the Mark: Best Practices in Penalty Abatement
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
If there is a potential error, the IRS will assess a tax and add a hefty penalty, without even knowing the facts. As a tax professional, you will be exposed to the IRS and their methods of penalizing taxpayers for the smallest of violations. This presentation will focus on the rules and regulations that create the penalty, and the reasons that exist that the IRS will consider to remove those penalties. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Coaching & Counseling - Addressing Misconduct
1.20 Credits
Member Price: $39
The objective of corrective action is to change conduct through teaching. Corrective action may be sequential, out of order, repetitive, or not appropriate to take at all. The action selected should reflect the type, frequency, and severity of the misconduct. Changing conduct through teaching requires effective employee relations skills. This course provides practical knowledge and scripts for handling a wide array of sensitive misconduct situations with good judgment, such that personal and employer liability is avoided.
Surgent's Exploring Client Advisory Services: Tax Due Dates and Penalties/Where Do I Need To File?
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $99
This course provides essential knowledge for Client Advisory Services (CAS) professionals navigating multistate taxation and managing tax deadlines. We'll start by exploring the implications of the Wayfair decision, focusing on general rules for sales and income tax nexus across states. You'll learn what to look for in state statutes and gain a solid foundation for filing requirements. Additionally, we'll cover key tax due dates, how to handle missed deadlines, and potential relief options. Whether you're new to the field or running your own practice, this course will equip you with the tools to succeed.
Invest in Your Mental Health and Avoid Burnout
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
For the ambitious female finance professional, working hard and going above and beyond are necessary for success. Sadly, taking time to care for themselves can be seen as counter-productive to meeting their career goals. Over ninety percent of women executives are feeling significantly higher levels of stress that they attribute to increased responsibilities and priorities outside the workplace compared to life before the pandemic. Burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that causes exhaustion, negativity toward one's job and reduced professional efficacy. It has become so pervasive that it's now recognized as an occupational phenomenon by the World Health Organization. To reignite your enthusiasm at work, you don't necessarily need to find a new job or time for a spa day or bubble bath. You need concrete strategies to invest in your mental health without compromising your ability to rise to the next level in your career. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Audit 503: Management - Being a Balanced Leader-Manager
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Management Skills - Exhibiting Traits of a Balanced Leader-Manager provides tips and techniques for striking the right balance between managing individuals and engagement teams and leading the overall strategic direction of a firm. Short-term profitability and long-term viability are important objectives of any successful organization. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for managers, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for leading or managing others. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Everyday Ethics: Doing Well by Doing Good 2024
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Learn various codes of professional conduct and standards of ethical conduct, recent cases involving professional responsibility for the accounting profession, ethical frameworks and more. This program is designed to fulfill the California Board of Accountancy's four-hour ethics education requirement. CalCPA Members: This course qualifies for the four hours of free ethics credits per membership year. Learn more .
Health Insurance Planning 2024
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Many don't realize it, but one's health is one's greatest wealth. Health-related decisions can have a major impact on personal happiness and financial success. Acquire a better understanding of medical insurance options, including government exchanges, workplace plans, and health savings accounts. Managing the risk of a financially catastrophic illness requires thoughtful analysis of personal, tax, and financial factors.