CPE & Event Calendar
For details about the CPE and event categories below, please click here.
Living to 100: The Challenges that Longevity Presents to Financial Planning for Clients
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39
Clients are living longer. Not only does that present challenges to the work we do with them to make sure that their money lasts, but it also brings into play additional issues and challenges that we may not have had to tackle in the past. How do we plan for where clients will live (possibly as solo agers)? How do we deal with issues of diminished capacity? How do we plan for long term care and end of life issues? How do we have complicated family conversations? How do we make sure that our clients have their best long lives possible both financially and otherwise? Find out in this session where we will present tools you can use with clients to engage them in the planning process.
Benford's Law and Other Digital Analysis Techniques
1.80 Credits
Member Price: $79
Numbers and especially the digits within those numbers can conceal a lot of information. Benford's Law and other digital analysis techniques can be the keys to unlocking that information. This session will explain what Benford's Law is, how it works, and how it can be used to reveal bogus information and made-up data. Accountants and auditors should understand how to use this valuable audit tool as well as other digital analysis techniques. But, if you attend this session, you must promise not to reveal the secret behind these techniques to any fraud perpetrators.
Small Business Risk Avoidance
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Enterprise Risk Management for SMEs
Anti-Bullying and Sensitivity
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39
Unhealthy behavior in the workplace can create a drama-laden, hostile work environment, negatively impact productivity and increase turnover. When team members are focused on how they can one-up their counterparts or are fearful of their co-workers/leaders actions towards them – they are NOT focused on reaching your company’s goals.
Governmental Accounting 101
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Governmental Accounting 101, is a 2 hour webcast that takes the participant of a whirlwind tour of governmental accounting basics, focusing on wetting the participant’s appetite for more. This session will be the first of a series of webcasts, with each subsequent webcast delving deeper and deeper into the governmental accounting basics.
Predictive Accounting: Driver-Based Budgeting & Rolling Financial Forecasts
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
The annual budgeting process is often criticized as an accounting exercise that is obsolete soon after it is published, prone to gamesmanship, cumbersome, not volume sensitive, and disconnected from the organization's strategy and risk management processes. You can resolve these deficiencies using capacity-sensitive driver-based projections. Driver-based budgeting allows for quick scenario planning and far easier analysis of a growing organization whose future may look nothing like today. The driver-based budgets can be periodically refreshed to create rolling financial forecasts extending well beyond the fiscal year end. Learn how managerial accounting can become managerial economics.
Emerging Innovations in Forensic Data Analytics, Crypto Currencies and AI, ChatGPT
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
In this course, participants will learn about key trends and innovations impacting the field of forensic data analytics. From generative AI to ChatGPT, machine learning and transaction review, data sharing consortiums and cryptocurrency trends, this course is for the futurist who wants to be leading edge in compliance and anti-fraud technology innovation.
The Successful Family Business
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Understanding the dynamics of family interaction is one of the most important skills in helping a family business succeed. This course takes a candid look inside the family business, and will help the participant navigate delicate issues while learning to provide counsel that will grow - or protect - the family business and non-family staff.
Business Valuation Fundamentals
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39
In this course we will look at the highlights of what valuation is doing, how to go about it and what to look for in business valuation reports. Areas such as types of reports, the standards by which they are prepared and process that is used to go from data to report. We will also discuss the purposes of reports and how that purpose may impact the value. Finally, we discuss how to determine the value of minority interests.
The Future of Communication: How AI and Synthetic Media Can Transform Your Business
1.20 Credits
Member Price: $39
Did you know that AI can now write your marketing copy? Create videos with your digital likeness? Provide subjective advice to your clients? Produce training for your employees? Even if you're on the fence about trusting artificial intelligence tools, knowing about these technologies, especially when combined with forms of synthetic media (think deep fakes, but not nefarious), is important for any business leader. Imagine being able to have your likeness communicate in over 40 languages. Think about how amazing it would be to create customized content for every situation without building each piece from scratch. Marvel at how that *perfect* image can manifest from typing just a few keywords. In this session you'll learn about the evolution of communication technologies, how artificial intelligence has expanded our range of connective possibilities, and what possibilities exist for leveraging these channels of communication in your business.
Budgeting: Presenting and Communicating your Numbers
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
The budgeting process can be a time consuming and frustrating process for accountants. The constraints and pressures can lead to poor decisions in both the technical and human components. This session will cover: Budgeting: Presenting and Communicating your Numbers • Now that the budget is complete, how we communicate our plan is critical. this session reveals some key guidelines in budget presentation and will identify key problems in how people often communicate financial plans.
Cash Conversion Cycle: Tool and Techniques
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
How well do you understand your organization’s cash flow? Good cash management techniques can provide a competitive advantage! This session shows you how to effectively measure and manage your cash conversion cycle. With a more complete understanding of how cash flows through your organization, you can eliminate impediments. Better cash management lowers your borrowing costs, reduces financing needs, and creates financial flexibility in your organization.
Dashboard and Report Design Principles Using Excel
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
If you... - Produce or revise dashboards and reports - Find your current reports and dashboards confusing - Are frustrated by the length, complexity and structure of your existing reports - Have many different styles of dashboards and reports in use and want to simplify things - Need to create a consistent “house style” that can be replicated by different teams - Want to look like a star by creating reports and dashboards that your internal customers love ... this workshop can help. In this session we explore the principles of what makes reports and dashboards easy, or hard, to understand, distil this into a simple set of rules and show you how to apply these rules using Excel.
Doing Debt Differently - Your Roadmap to Changes & Choices for Success
4.40 Credits
Member Price: $129
Debt is a real problem for many clients, business owners, and the general public. It can be ever increasing and causes financial, emotional and physical challenges that seem to spiral out of control. What if you could help your clients “do debt differently”? This strategy turns the game upside down and presents solutions from the inside out. As a CPA, you are already a trusted advisor for your clients. What if you could help your clients be free of this burden? This is a tremendous resource you can offer to your clients, expanding the value of what you offer them by adding these processes to your packages. Clients will be happy to pay for this kind of relief as you support them in doing debt differently. If you are one of the many people who are personally burdened by this situation, these strategies, tools, mindsets and actions will personally help you get better results…so you can go back to the task of expanding and growing your business, sleeping better at night and gaining access to the creativity that will take you to your next level of financial fulfillment. Paying off debt is an inside/outside job. Successful strategies include the internal shifts to mindset and enhancing the inner qualities that are most helpful in paying off debt, and practical tools to help make the transition from thinking about paying off debt to actually doing it. This program combines both -- emotional support and dozens of tools and action steps to Do Debt Differently, including: An inventory process to objectively assess the situation and face it head on Guided mind/body processes to alleviate anxiety about the situation Creative exploration (writing and drawing) to gain clarity and specificity Stories and discussion to strengthen your access to the qualities that will be most helpful to your success Using a menu of options to create a personal action plan and an ongoing support team The techniques in this program are creative and easy, but immensely practical. We will combine practical, nuts-and-bolts action steps with powerful tools for mindset-shifting. There is no reason to continue to suffer the burden and overwhelm of debt. Relief is here! Through discussion, interactive exercises, skill building, mindset shifting and powerful actions, you and your clients could be on your way to a debt free life. Please join me for this empowering approach to changing your financial situation.
Business Longevity - Is Your Business Wobbling?
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Almost 50% of businesses that started five years ago are no longer in operation today. Controllers and CFOs can and must influence the longevity of their organization to improve their success rate. Jim will help you be aware and understand the answers to these issues: Can you describe the financial health of your company? Can you also explain what the financial health of your industry is? Do you know your Business Cycle compared to the industry business cycle? Do you have an executable plan? Do you know what the competitive, legal and technological landscape is currently, and for the future? Is your organization aligned and incentivize to be successful? Jim has developed his groundbreaking Business Longevity concept as a keynote and a workshop, and would be happy to speak to your organization on this topic. This session will focus on assessment (financial health, competitive environment), determination (effective business planning, including the future landscape), and execution (gettin’ it done!)
Planning for Small Business Success
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Strategic Planning for SMEs
Personal Leadership Skills
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
People skills are the most significant skills that Professionals need to develop and yet are often the last skills perfected. This course will help participants understand personality types and the successful interactions with clients, peers and family. In addition, participants will learn Neuro-linguistic programming and develop the ability to better understand nonverbal language which is key in communication. Participants will also learn techniques to enhance memory and to improve the ability to recall key facts.
Communication Miracles At Work and In Life - Part 2
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Following on Part 1 of this course, in Part 2 you will learn advanced ways to solve problems without bruising egos, how to create profound trust quickly, and how to motivate clients and co-workers to do your bidding with a minimal amount of wasted time or hassles. The bottom line will be better client and co-worker relationships, leading to increased enjoyment and productivity at work.
K2’s Accountant’s Artificial Intelligence Conference
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $359
You could pay $0 for this course!This course qualifies for reimbursement through the State Workforce Training Express Fund. Firms/companies with fewer than 100 staff will receive 100% of the cost of training reimbursed. You must register for this course and apply for reimbursement through the Workforce Training Express Fund website a minimum of three weeks before the start date of the course to be eligible. The course code for this program is C-9770. To learn more click here or contact Julia Ekelund at jekelund@mscpaonline.org.Artificial intelligence (AI) is real, it is ready and now is the time to take advantage of perhaps the most exciting new technology to appear in over 50 years. Join us to learn how to get started with AI and harness the power of tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot. With practical, real-world demonstrations, you’ll be able to take advantage of these exciting new and transformative technologies in accounting and beyond.
Triple Your Memory, Prevent Dementia and Halve Your Stress - Part 1
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
This is not your average CPE course! In this fun and practical course, you'll learn how to remember names, where you put things, what you read, or anything else 300% (or more) effectively than before. You will also learn how to prevent dementia, and halve your stress by using exercises that take under two minutes a day to do. Additionally, you'll receive information on ways to improve your memory by improving your overall health and wellness. This course will give you an overview of natural supplements to enhance your memory as well as share tips to improve your sleep. This course will change your life both now and in the future by making sure you know the best ways to remember information, handle stress and keep your mind sharp until the day you die. The information in this course to help increase your professional efficiency and improve your overall quality of life.