Women's Mentoring Circles
August 13, 2018
Women’s Mentoring Circles
Developed in 2018, The Women’s Mentoring Circles offer a unique spin on traditional mentoring by combining varying professional levels together.
While offering guidance, advice and insights to one another, members of our mentoring circles will provide support and encouragement in a confidential setting, allowing both the mentor and the mentee to walk away with important lifelong connections.
What is a Mentoring Circle?
The Mentoring Circle program is designed to provide members with a confidential forum to discuss professional development issues. A mentoring circle is a group of individuals that meet on a regular basis for an agreed upon length of time. The Circles are organized to encourage the members to speak freely and discuss many of the issues that working women struggle with daily, such as professional development, networking, and work-life balance.
The group exchanges experiences, challenges, and opportunities for enhancing self-confidence, communication skills, leadership practices, and commitment to one’s career.
Who Can Participate?
All participants must be a member of the MSCPA and be willing to share her time, talents and experience with a group of other women professionals. Each Circle may be comprised of CPA and non-CPA professionals and educators. Members in public accounting and industry are welcome to participate.
Where are the Circles Held?
Circles are held various locations throughout the state. We currently have established circles in Boston, Woburn and Braintree. We’re looking to add locations in Waltham, Framingham and Western MA.
How Often Do They Meet?
Each Mentoring Circle meets quarterly or as desired to address issues affecting women in accounting. How each Circle operates is entirely up to each individual Circle. Each Circle functions independently and sets its own meeting agendas, times and locations.
How Many Members Participate in a Mentoring Circle?
Each Circle is comprised of eight to 10 women of varying levels of experience from a wide range of practice areas and industries.
I’m an Experienced Professional, Why Should I Participate?
These Circles benefit women of all ages and in all stages of professional development. Not only do junior members learn from those with more experience, but mid-level and senior professionals gain an invaluable opportunity to hone management skills, build relationships and develop referral networks.
Email Kara Kieran at kkieran@masscpas.org for more information.
To sign up for our Mentoring Circles Program, please visit masscpas.org/mentorcircleregistration.