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Communication Miracles At Work and In Life - Part 2



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Following on Part 1 of this course, in Part 2 you will learn advanced ways to solve problems without bruising egos, how to create profound trust quickly, and how to motivate clients and co-workers to do your bidding with a minimal amount of wasted time or hassles.    The bottom line will be better client and co-worker relationships, leading to increased enjoyment and productivity at work.

Triple Your Memory, Prevent Dementia and Halve Your Stress - Part 1



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

This is not your average CPE course! In this fun and practical course, you'll learn how to remember names, where you put things, what you read, or anything else 300% (or more) effectively than before. You will also learn how to prevent dementia, and halve your stress by using exercises that take under two minutes a day to do. Additionally, you'll receive information on ways to improve your memory by improving your overall health and wellness. This course will give you an overview of natural supplements to enhance your memory as well as share tips to improve your sleep. This course will change your life both now and in the future by making sure you know the best ways to remember information, handle stress and keep your mind sharp until the day you die. The information in this course to help increase your professional efficiency and improve your overall quality of life.

2024 Stand Out - How to Create a Unique Employer Brand



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Learn why creating an employer brand is so important and instrumental in competing in today's competitive marketplace. Elevate your recruiting experience for candidates and onboarding process for new hires to enhance your employer's brand.

Ask Me No Questions and I Will Tell You No Lies - The Art of Interviewing & Interrogation



3.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

When we verbally communicate with an individual, we must make a conscious decision as to whether we believe what we have heard.  Little do we realize that we are not making a decision based on what we have heard; rather we make a subconscious decision based primarily on what we have seen, or how the body was behaving when the subject was speaking.  We often walk away from a conversation with a gut feeling that the person was not telling the truth.  That gut feeling is your subconscious.  Yet we often have no idea as to why we have that feeling. This presentation is designed to provide the participant with the tools to identify those both verbal and nonverbal indicators that we all give off when we are under stress.  Normally, telling the truth does not create stress.  When we lie, we know that we are not supposed to and that creates stress, and it will manifest itself in some manner, and that is what a trained interviewer is looking to observe. When we observe indicators of deception, how do we deal with it?  How do we get the subject to admit to a wrong-doing when it is not in their best interest to do so?  That is one of the many things that will be addressed in this presentation.  Whether you are a parent dealing with you kids; an employer dealing with employees or and investigation interviewing a suspect, this presentation will provide you with the tools to assist you in finding the truth.

Prevention & Detection of Fraud In Small Businesses



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

As reported in the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Occupational Fraud 2022:  A Report to the Nations, on average, small businesses lose 5% of their revenue due to fraud.  Can the average small business owner afford to lose 5% of their revenue due to fraud?  I think not.  This presentation is designed to illustrate the numerous ways employees commit fraud in small businesses, how to detect it, and most importantly, how to prevent it.  Both auditors and small business owners would both benefit from this presentation.

2024 Productivity Hacks for Working Remote



1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

In this course, we will share tips and tricks for working remotely.  You will learn what to do/what not to do in a virtual working environment, strategies for leading teams remotely, employee engagement ideas, and techniques and tools for teleworking.

Measuring Audit Risks



3.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

In order not to perform an excessive number of audit procedures (over audit) auditors must perform procedures in order to determine in what areas are there weak internal controls that could result in a risk that the financial statements would be materially misstated and not be detected.  SAS No. 122, AU 300 – 499, Measuring Audit Risk provides guidance as well as required procedures that must be performed in every audit in order to determine the risk of material misstatement.  No longer can the auditor state that they assess the risk of material misstatement at maximum without having a basis for making such assessment.  As a result, the standards now require that the auditor make such an assessment of a material misstatement of the financial statement on every audit in order to have a basis for such assessment.  This program is an overview of the statement documentation requirements in assessing such a risk.

It Is Legal, But Is It Really Ethical?, featuring Rob Berry and Bob Mims



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

This discussion outlines situations where ‘legal’ and ‘ethical’ are not necessarily in alignment.  How should you handle these issues?  We will detail a better thought process to help you avoid ‘crossing the line.’  Each topic and each day stand on its own. If you are not sure about making a multi-day commitment, sign up for just a single day. We think you will come back for more!

Walkin', Talkin', Lookin' & Listenin' - Or Things Most of Us Don't Do Well



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

You often can perform an audit in accordance with all of the standards, and still have a substandard audit IF you did not get out among the clients employees (let them know you are there and where you located), talk to as many people as you can regardless as to whether you may think that they may have any helpful information; constantly observe your surrounding where ever you are at (you never now what you might see) and lastly, listen to not only what people are saying to you but are also saying around you. This presentation is designed to illustrate the importance of making yourself available to your client’s employees, let them know that you are there and where you can be found. Talk with them because if there is a problem, somebody knows and they will often tell you all about it IF you just ask them.  Look at your surrounding everywhere you go.  What are you looking for?  I don’t know but I’ll know it when I see it. Lastly, listen to what they have to say.  Every word is important because they may say something that you had not asked about.  Remember, you never want to discover something and go to an individual who you determined knew about it and ask, why didn’t you tell me about this and their response was, you never asked me!

Surgent's Audits of 401(k) Plans: New Developments and Critical Issues



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $299

One of the most favored employee benefit plans, the 401(k) plan, provides unique challenges for auditors. Also, as many 401(k) plan administrators opt for ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audits, audits of 401(k) plans will be significantly impacted by the now-effective SAS 136, the AICPA's new employee benefit plan auditing standard. Through this course, auditors will obtain an understanding of the rules and regulations unique to employee benefit plans and obtain practical guidance on applying them. Auditors will enhance their knowledge of the performance and reporting requirements of SAS 136 through real-world examples, best practices, and efficient audit techniques that can be utilized in various audit engagements. Make sure your audits don't trigger a DOL inspection by conforming to all applicable rules and regulations.

Surgent's Advising a Client Regarding the Tax Consequences Associated with Buying or Selling a Business



3.00 Credits

Member Price: $169

Buying and selling a business can be a complex transaction with many tax issues. These issues include whether the transaction is or should be a stock or an asset sale when the business involved is a corporation, as well as the tax consequences associated with the sale of a partnership or a C or S corporation. Tax practitioners who advise clients who are buying or selling a business primarily focus on the tax issues that apply. This program explains and analyzes the tax issues practitioners must address in order to properly advise clients who are either buyers or sellers of businesses.

Accountancy Laws, Ethics, Taxes and Financial Reporting Review: Ethics 2023

Available Until


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

Fulfill your four-hour ethics education requirement by exploring the fundamental aspects of professional conduct. This course offers an examination of case studies and presents discussion questions related to equitable positions in tax returns, ethical dilemmas in tax practice, the role of fairness in financial reporting and the exercise of integrity in materiality judgments. CalCPA Members: This course qualifies for the four hours of free ethics credits per membership year. Learn more .

Accounting - Entering Payroll Data with Journal Entries 2023

Available Until


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $49

In this course, we will look at examples of how to enter payroll transactions into your accounting software using journal entries. We will cover how to record gross wages, employer tax expenses, deductions and associated cash impacts. This course is suitable for accounting staff that either enter payroll transactions manually or wants to understand how to record payroll, so they can ensure their payroll company's auto-generated journal entries are properly accounting for the entries.

Accounting for Nonprofit Board Members 2023

Available Until


3.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Serving on a nonprofit board can be exciting and fulfilling. However, unique FASB standards for nonprofits can make reading financial statements a frustrating task. Learn about accounting errors and risk management. Being a board member can also lead to personal liability if the organization's policies and procedures are not set up properly and monitored effectively. Examine the core principles and practices of nonprofit accounting and what questions to ask your organization to protect leadership.

Achieving Success as a New Manager

Available Until


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $69

This interactive, two-hour seminar will address how to make the most of the vital time immediately following your promotion into management. This includes how to quickly engage your learning curve, getting to know your boss and their expectations, building rapport with your team and the importance of securing initial small wins. Note: There is a minimum passing rate of 70% for this course. The webcast was originally broadcast on August 8, 2015.

Adding Personal Financial Planning Services to Your CPA Practice

Available Until


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $69

Is it time to begin adding personal financial planning services to your existing practice? Gain the necessary skills to assess whether adding these services to your practice makes sense. This course examines the benefits and potential pitfalls of creating this type of entity; the skills of how to develop the appropriate infrastructure; and the appropriate type of entity and licensing requirements. We'll take a look at associating with appropriate financial services companies and professionals, staffing, technology, networking and other features of launching this new service, as well as the six steps of the financial planning process and how to apply them to each planning discipline. The webcast was originally broadcast on June 30, 2016. Note: There is a minimum passing rate of 70% for this course.

An Analysis of Organizational Support for Telecommuting

Available Until


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $49

Organizational support for alternative work arrangements (AWAs) is essential for the effective implementation of AWAs in public accounting, yet studies consistently suggest that such organizational support is lacking. Despite mass adoption of telecommuting (one type of AWA) during the COVID-19 pandemic, recent evidence suggests that firms vary greatly in the extent to which they plan to support telecommuting in the post-pandemic environment. Using a sample of 133 public accounting professionals, we explore whether several factors under the organization's control influence perceived organizational support for telecommuting and whether such support is linked with perceived career penalties from telecommuting usage and turnover intentions. Findings indicate that supervisor support for personal/family needs and procedural justice regarding telecommuting requirements are positively associated with perceptions of organizational support for telecommuting. Greater perceived organizational support for telecommuting is associated with both lower perceived career penalties from telecommuting usage and lower turnover intentions.

Asset Protection 2022

Available Until


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $69

The current litigation explosion has created tremendous Interest in asset protection. Not only does this area have financial and estate aspects but it directly impacts tax planning. This course is designed to survey opportunities for asset protection that can arise during tax planning and to determine how to properly report such transactions.

Assets, Income and Cash (expanded)

Available Until


14.00 Credits

Member Price: $329

This course integrates federal taxation with overall financial planning. The course explores tax strategies relating to the central financial tactics of wealth building, capital preservation, and estate distribution. The result is a unified explanation of tax-economics that will permit the tax professional to locate, analyze, and solve financial concerns. Designed to improve the quality of services to clients and the profitability of engagements, this program projects the accountant into the world of financial planning.

Assets, Income and Cash 2022

Available Until


2.50 Credits

Member Price: $69

This course integrates federal taxation with overall financial planning. The course explores tax strategies relating to the central financial tactics of wealth building, capital preservation, and estate distribution. The result is a unified explanation of tax economics that will permit the tax professional to locate, analyze, and solve financial concerns. Designed to improve the quality of services to clients and the profitability of engagements, this program projects the accountant into the world of financial planning.