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2024 Real Estate Professionals: Passive Activity Rules



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

When do they exist and how to report them? This program will provide a detailed analysis of the real estate professional passive activity rules, including forms reporting examples, and integrates those rules with when real estate is considered a "business" under the Section 199A flow-through entity deduction.  **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

2024 S Corporation Essentials: Review & Update



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

This program addresses the critical issues and special opportunities facing S-corporations, with a focus on reporting shareholder basis and distributions. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Securing Executive Buy-In for Your Initiatives: Communication Techniques to Persuade Decision-Makers



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

For HR and Business professionals, navigating the intricate dynamics of executive decision-making can often be a daunting task. Despite the meticulous hours invested in research, strategy formulation, and planning, the true challenge often lies in effectively communicating and gaining acceptance for these transformative ideas. A key aspect of this is the art of persuasion, ensuring that the merits of our proposals are not just understood but wholeheartedly embraced by decision-makers. This session is designed to empower leaders with the tools and insights needed to craft persuasive pitches, build a robust business case, and confidently communicate the ROI of their initiatives. Moreover, attendees will gain insights into the common pitfalls that can hinder their pitches and learn techniques to address objections frequently raised by executive leadership.

Communicating Financial Information to Non-Accountants



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Do you ever get blank looks when you present your company's financial statements? Does your board nod knowingly, during your presentation, but never seem to have any meaningful questions? It could be that they have no idea what you are talking about and are just pretending to understand! Learn how to connect with your CEO, board, fellow managers, and ordinary employees so they understand your message. Learn to motivate them to action. Come hear a veteran CFO tell you how. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel - From a Blank Sheet to a Finished Workbook



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Have you ever opened a blank workbook in Excel and just stared at it, wondering where to begin? Or, do you spend most of your time just formatting cells to make your spreadsheet look pretty? Or, do you just wonder if there is a better way to create your spreadsheets? This course is designed to take you from a blank worksheet to a completed report. Our example will be a financial statement but you can use the knowledge gained in the course and apply it to your specific job function. You will learn to import data instead of manually entering it. Learn that you can use functions and formulas to build calculations that will eliminate the need to manually manipulate your data. Our goal is to make sure you have all the information needed to build reports without having to manually enter it every month. You will learn techniques to use your data to build your reports. This will include building formulas that are flexible with your changing data. You will learn techniques to validate your report calculations so you can improve the accuracy of your reports. You will also learn how to quickly format reports and techniques that allow you to efficiently change the format. Lastly, you will learn how PivotTables can provide a more dynamic reporting option instead of using pre-defined report formats. Obviously, we will be covering a lot of ground, so to enhance your learning experience all examples will be provided to each participant along with instructions. This will allow you to follow along and use as you apply your new knowledge to your spreadsheets. This session is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this course apply to all versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Six Common Barriers to Investment Success



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

Many of us expect to use logic when it comes to how we allocate our investments. The adage of "buy low, sell high" is a saying that makes logical sense. So, why do we always seem to do the opposite? Every day we are faced with decisions, and we are often influenced by two seemingly opposing voices that come from two different parts of our brain. The frontal cortex processes lots of information to help us make logical and informed choices. But there's also a small part of the brain, known as the reflexive brain, that is responsible for emotions and survival instincts. Often, this reflexive brain can have a detrimental effect on the way we handle our investments. This course will discuss some behavioral biases that affect our financial decisions. As humans, we need to be aware of how our reflexive behavior impacts our investment decision-making ability. By uncovering and understanding these biases, we may have a better chance of meeting our long-term financial goals.

Surgent's Social Security: Dispelling Common Myths with Essential Truths



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $119

For roughly 90% of American retirees, Social Security income will be the foundation of their retirement income. Yet, many are ill-prepared and lack understanding of the critical aspects of making an informed claiming decision. Further challenged to separate fact from fiction, consumers crave accurate information from knowledgeable professionals to make the most out of these coveted monthly benefits. Join Heather Schreiber, RICPr, NSSAr, founder of HLS Retirement Consulting, LLC, and author of Social Security Advisor, as she dispels common myths about Social Security that lead to confusion and replaces them with the truth to an empowered retirement. Help your clients navigate their claiming age decisions with greater confidence, equipped with the essential truths they should consider before pushing the Social Security "on" button.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Debt Allocations



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

How debt is allocated to the partners in a partnership is important. It dictates how much money may be taken tax-free as a distribution, the losses that flow down to the partners, and the gain or loss on the sale of a partnership interest. However, the allocation of debt can differ depending on the type of debt it is and the type of partner we are talking about. Furthermore, 704(c) can complicate things. And what in the world is a constructive liquidation scenario? In this course, we will tackle the concept of debt allocations - how you do it, what it means, and why you do it.

Surgent's Government and Nonprofit Frauds and Controls to Stop Them



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $159

George Washington once wrote, "We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience." The cost of fraud, dearly paid by governments and nonprofits, is too severe not to learn and profit from. In this course, we will look back at real-world government and nonprofit frauds and derive useful controls to stop them. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of fraud and anti-fraud controls to both auditors and industry professionals.

An Exhaustive Look At Fraud and Ways To Control It



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $239

Fraud activities can be executed from within an organization, by parties outside an entity, or by both. Importantly, as the business world becomes more technological, the way fraud is carried out is changing. There must be an increased focus on understanding where new fraud vulnerabilities exist. In this session, we delve into the reasons that both internal and external intentional defalcations take place. The material discusses the new ways fraud is being actuated and looks at the factors driving those that undertake fraud. We spend time examining measures that can be implemented in order to stop fraud via the deployment of added security across the enterprise. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Leveraging Marketing Automation for Accounting Firm Growth



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

This course will provide an overview of 6 key areas of automation that accounting firms can leverage to effectively increase their lead generation and client retention efforts while reducing the burden on their time and budget. These areas include: 1. Social media 2. Content development. 3. Email marketing. 4. Text (SMS) marketing. 5. Chatbots and other interactive AI tools. 6. Drip marketing campaigns. Attendees will receive a practical guide to the technologies and tactics needed to improve marketing efforts with efficiency and ease! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Performance Management - Hiring to Retiring



1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

How you onboard a new employee is critical in ensuring they understand your company culture and are immersed properly in your organization. On the flipside, in the event you are dealing with an employee termination, this too is critical in handling with care and sensitivity.  

2024 Tax Practice Ethical Challenges and Circular 230



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

This presentation will provide a detailed analysis of the Circular 230 rules for conduct of a tax practice, with a review of the political, legislative and regulatory rules impacting every accounting and tax professional. Best practices and guidance provided by the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct will be discussed. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Erase the Mark: Best Practices in Penalty Abatement



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

If there is a potential error, the IRS will assess a tax and add a hefty penalty, without even knowing the facts. As a tax professional, you will be exposed to the IRS and their methods of penalizing taxpayers for the smallest of violations. This presentation will focus on the rules and regulations that create the penalty, and the reasons that exist that the IRS will consider to remove those penalties. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Auto and Energy-Related Tax Credits



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many changes to auto and energy-related credits. Many if not most of these credits reduce the cost of individual- and business-related expenses. As a result of the changes brought about by the IRA, tax advisors have new and reformed credits to understand and explain to their clients. The IRS has issued extensive guidance regarding these credits in the form of Frequently Asked Questions that elaborate on and explain these new credits. This program covers the new and revised energy-related credits clients will be asking about, such as credits related to personal autos, energy-efficient commercial vehicles, and household-related utilities and improvements. This program will cover the IRA changes related to electric car credits in detail so that those attending can properly advise their individual and business clients regarding them.

Surgent's Critical Conversations



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

As uncomfortable as some conversations are, keeping your silence won't resolve the issue and may in fact add to it. No matter which side of the table you find yourself at in a "hard to have" talk, you can learn to benefit from the conversation. In the workshop, you'll learn how to recognize when a conversation becomes critical, how to plan effectively for the conversation, and which communications strategies can help you create a win/win outcome.

The Many Faces of Fraud Shedding Light on the Tactics of Modern Day Swindlers



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

"Did you know that fraud is like a parasite, feeding on the lifeblood of the industry and causing billions in losses each year? Join Chuck Gallagher, a renowned expert in fraud prevention, for 'The Many Faces of Fraud: Shedding Light on the Tactics of Modern-Day Swindlers,' a captivating two-hour course that will empower you to thwart these financial predators. Chuck will guide you through the most common forms of fraud, revealing the psychology and motivations of swindlers. Through real-life case studies and hands-on exercises, you'll learn practical strategies for identifying red flags and responding effectively to safeguard your organization. Enroll now to gain invaluable insights and join the fight against these cunning adversaries!"

2024 PowerPoint: Tips & Tricks for Today's Accountant



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

PowerPoint is a widely available resource that is potentially underutilized by accountants because many accountants do not stray beyond Excel and Word in the Microsoft Office suite. You will learn how to create and edit a professional PowerPoint slide deck. This session places particular emphasis on efficiency tips and tricks that will allow you to develop creative, professional visual aids while minimizing time and effort. The course’s author will share personal insights he has cultivated throughout more than two decades of public speaking. Although the session will focus on creating and editing slides, we will illustrate best practices for presentation delivery. We will also explain how PowerPoint can be used for purposes other than delivering presentations.

CFO Series: Tactics to Reduce Investment: 2nd Strategy ROI



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

What do investors want? They actively pursue three key strategies; 1) improve profit (most over used strategy), 2) reduce investment (an under used strategy), and 3) reduce risk (a much-neglected strategy). In this second of three sessions, see 2) above, we will explore strategies to improve asset utilization and reduce investment. We will discuss proven techniques to help your organization thrive.

Ethics: Giving Thanks - How to Master the Art of Gratitude



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

How grateful are you? In this critically important webinar, we will explore exactly what gratitude is and why it is a crucial component of your work as a CPA. Even if you believe you're already a deeply grateful person, you'll still learn some new strategies for expressing gratitude effectively. Forbes Contributor Bruce Weinstein, The Ethics Guy, will show you how to use LinkedIn in a novel way to say "thank you." You'll also find better and worse ways of letting clients, team members, family members and friends know that you care about them. You'll understand why gratitude is a matter of ethics and not merely etiquette. Finally, you'll discover how to use questions about gratitude in job interviews and performance reviews. Why not hire and promote people who are not only knowledgeable and skilled but also grateful? You will be thankful for having taken this valuable webinar! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.