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Elizabeth, In anticipation of Thanksgiving next week, I am sharing with you what I am
grateful for this year, both personally and professionally. It’s easy to lose sight of this when rushing to meet a deadline, or trying to get a
child to hockey practice on time, so this week I am pausing to reflect on all the positive things in my life, and to share them with you.
First, I’d like to thank my family for always
being there for me, and allowing me to pursue my dreams. Without a great husband and two amazing children to share life's journey, it would be a
lonely road. Next, I’d like to thank
my wonderful staff at the MSCPA. Your hard work has helped shape this vibrant organization into what we are today, and what we will become tomorrow.
Thank you for all you do, each and every day, to make the MSCPA the leading organization for CPAs in Massachusetts.
Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank you, our member. You
are the lifeblood of this organization, and you make all of this possible. On behalf of the MSCPA, thank you for allowing us to help you learn,
connect and prosper in the accounting profession.
Looking ahead to next week, the MSCPA will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. From our office to yours, have a wonderful
holiday! Eileen P. McAnneny, Esq.
President and CEO
UPDATE: IRS Updates - IRS Advisory
Council (IRSAC) Releases 2014 Annual Report - Former IRS Insider Gives Peek at Development of Net
Investment Income Tax - IRS Finalizes Rules on Relief from Failure to File GRAs

How Closely Held C Corporations Can Reduce Taxes Recent tax
law changes should make closely held corporations rethink the old strategy of maximizing compensation to avoid double-taxed dividends.

Governor Patrick Announces Budget Cuts Governor Patrick
announced a series of cuts across state government, including a $25 million reduction in local aid to cities and towns, generally a non-starter on
Beacon Hill. 
Determining How Much Money You Need to Retire (11/24)
Help your clients implement tax-effective investment and portfolio strategies for successful wealth accumulation and real
after-tax retirement income maintenance. This seminar is designed to help you become a resource for the growing segment of the public for whom
effective retirement planning is critical as they reach their peak earning years and/or are approaching retirement.
 LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER - MSCPA Fraud & Forensic Accounting Conference (12/2)
Featuring case studies, tips on how to prevent fraud from happening to your clients
and also pointers on how to securely navigate the cloud, the Fraud Conference includes speakers with a wide variety of specialties and expertise. Join
representatives from K2 Enterprises, the Bitcoin Foundation, Certified Fraud Examiners, State Auditor Suzanne M. Bump and more for tips to deter
criminal activity and minimize your risk. 
The Market Basket Saga: A Grocery List of Lessons for CPAs Working with Family Businesses (12/9)
Featuring examples of businesses at various points of evolution, this program will introduce the CPA
family-business advisor to the types of corporate, legal and family tools and initiatives representing the current state of best practices.

Women Partner Breakfast Roundtable (12/2)
This discussion is specifically for women partners and managing partners. It provides you the opportunity to network with your
peers and share your experiences and issues. This free breakfast will be facilitated by Merrill Puopolo, CPA, managing
director/shareholder of CBIZ Tofias & Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., Tofias New England Division and past chairman of the MSCPA's board of directors.
Reserve your spot today! 
Volunteer Opportunities
- The Teddy Bear Foundation for Foster Children - Assistance with Mass AG Office Forms - South
End Community Health Center - Board Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair - SCORE Boston –
Assist Small Business Owners - "e" inc. - Treasurer for Board of Directors
Seasonal Job Opportunities Looking for temporary work? Employers post temporary and
seasonal job opportunities on our website. Six tax season positions were posted this week alone! If you're one of the many accounting professionals
who is looking for temporary work, browse our website and find the right position, or post your temporary position for free.

NEWS & EVENTS: Be a CGMA for a Day
While registration for the CGMA exam isn't until January 2015, you can still experience the exam with CGMA For A Day, an online,
interactive simulation. CGMA For A Day is designed to give you an idea of the types of tasks candidates will be assigned on the real CGMA exam in a
fun and easy-to-use format. 
Seven Tips for Starting Your Own Practice Are you interested
in starting your own firm? Two practitioners discuss the advantages and challenges they encountered when they ventured out on their own.
