Sponsored by:  Dear Hannah: As you all know, the MSCPA has enjoyed an excellent relationship with DOR for
several years. We sit on the Commissioner’s Advisory Council, we have working groups on improving combined reporting and guidance to taxpayers
and practitioners. We were the premier partner for the business rollout of MassTax Connect. More importantly, we can get expedited service for our
members when they run into a snag. So, I was a
little nervous when I learned Commissioner Nunnelly was leaving to become Baker’s Commonwealth CIO, and I hoped it wouldn’t jeopardize our
positioning with the DOR. Mike Heffernan, who will take office in May, has a great blend of private and public experience, with more than 25 years of
experience in financial services, capital markets and entrepreneurship. I contacted him to get his thoughts on continuing our partnership, and I was
delighted with his swift response: “I look
forward to continuing candid discussions with important stakeholders like the Massachusetts Society of CPAs. Mark Nunnelly has indicated that he
benefitted enormously from the wise counsel of Amy Pitter and the Society’s membership, and I plan to carry on that important
relationship.” Sounds good to me! I look
forward to continuing this important partnership.
Amy A. Pitter President &
Volunteer Opportunity -
NEW Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
Massachusetts - Treasurer
 Upcoming Committee Meetings - Marketing (4/6)
- Governmental Accounting & Auditing (4/8)
 Registration Now Open: Aspire
to Lead - A Series on Gender and Equality: Take Your Career to Center Stage. Lessons from the Business of Hollywood (5/11)
Join the MSCPA and PwC for a discussion on leadership skills and an
evening of networking. Hear from Hollywood as the webcast features Geena Davis, Dawn Hudson (CEO of the Academy), Jenifer Yuh Nelson (first female
solo director to be nominated for an Academy Award), Peter Yobo (PwC US Advisory Senior Associate) and moderator Michael Fenlon (PwC's Global and US
Talent Leader and Deputy Human CapitalLeader).

Beware of Making These 3 Mistakes During Tax Season

Steps to Mastering DOL Proposed Overtime Regulations
 Organizations Lose 5% of Revenue to Fraud
 Simple Steps to Data Security

IRS Warns of New Scam Variations
Delays Estate Basis Reporting Due Date Until June 30
 Tax Amnesty Program FY16
This TIR describes the 60-day tax amnesty program beginning April 1 and ending May 31, 2016, intended to encourage the filing of delinquent
tax returns and payments. The TIR explains the amnesty period and due dates for payments, eligibility requirements, applicable procedures for
participating in the program, and exceptions and limitations.
