Hannah: Your expertise is
As you know, revenue estimation is a tricky process, especially when all of the
helpful information isn’t readily available. The Massachusetts DOR and state budget writers rely on local and global economic trends,
legislative changes and actual and historical tax collections to predict future tax collections. These projections are the primary basis for the
initial state budget as well as periodic decisions on whether adjustments, including spending cuts, are needed to get the budget back in balance.
However, I can tell you from personal experience that there is a missing piece in this calculation and that is taxpayer behavior in a given year or
during a particular timeframe as it relates to capital gains, bonus activity, safe harbor or corporate investment.
With that in mind, the MSCPA is preparing to launch a quarterly taxpayer behavioral
analysis to fill in the missing pieces. As CPAs in Massachusetts, and in your role as trusted financial and business advisors to your clients, you
have a unique and unmatched perspective on revenue growth and taxpayer behavior. You are well-equipped to provide a sense of what your clients are
doing as a representative sample of Massachusetts taxpayers. This information will be critical in allowing state officials to better project revenues
in the future and our ability to provide this information will put Massachusetts CPAs at the table for these conversations, and grow our reputation as
the trusted advisor. Please fill out this
survey to the
best of your ability. No specific member information will be used for this report.
Have a great weekend!
Amy A. Pitter
President & CEO
Upcoming Committee
Meeting Governmental
Accounting & Auditing (3/11)
 Outstanding Educator Award
Would you like to honor an accounting professor for his/her teaching excellence and success in motivating students? The MSCPA's Annual Outstanding
Accounting Educator Award is designed to recognize full-time accounting faculty who are actively involved in the profession and the Society. The
winner will receive an award of $1,000 to further his/her professional development, and a matching gift will be given to the college's accounting
department in their honor. The deadline is April 1.

of Service
This is the perfect opportunity for your firm to come together as a team, give back
to the local community and unite with other members of the CPA profession! Sign up today!

Temporary Job
Looking for extra help or searching for a temporary position? Check out the
temporary job opportunities on our website! New positions are posted regularly.

Update Your MSCPA
We know that deleting emails isn’t billable. We want you to spend your time
reading content that’s valuable, applicable and important to you. Update your profile and receive only the content you

11 Ways Small Businesses Lose Employees
 The Rationale for CPAs to Establish Their Brand
 Phishing Scheme Requests Form W-2 and Other
Confidential Employee Information

Employee Benefit Plan Conference (5/20)
Conference highlights include a Department of Labor update from Ian Dingwall, CPA, Employee
Benefits Security Administration.
 Ethics in Action: Giving Voice to Values (5/10) Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is a process for teaching individuals how to develop a strategy
and use scripts to successfully address a values-based challenge. Everyone has ethical standards and a process to identify ethical violations. Do

Update IRS First-Time Penalty
Abatement The AICPA has resources available for taxpayers interested in the IRS’s first-time
penalty abatement waiver. The waiver may grant to relieve taxpayers from failure-to-file, failure-to-pay, and failure-to-deposit penalties if certain
criteria are met.  DOR
830 CMR 62C.37.1: Abatements
- 830 CMR 62C.26.1: Assessment
- 830 CMR 62C.30.1: Changes in Federal Taxable Income, Federal Tax Credits, or Federal Taxable
 Voluntary Disclosure Pilot
Program The DOR has launched a voluntary disclosure pilot program for the settlement of uncertain
issues. According to the department, the program is designed to give business taxpayers the chance to voluntarily come forward and propose a
settlement related to any uncertain tax issues, resulting in the waiver of all penalties associated with those issues.
Update Massachusetts House Speaker
Plans Noncompete Agreement Reforms During a speech before the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Massachusetts House Speaker
Robert DeLeo announced his plans to file legislation to limit the use and impact of noncompete clauses. Although the details have yet to be worked
out, the plan is expected to include provisions, including: 1. Limiting the durations of noncompete
agreements to 12 months; 2. Requiring employers to notify applicants about the agreements; and 3. Banning noncompete agreement for low-wage workers.
wants to know what you think. Please send your thoughts and comments on this proposal to Zach