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Dear Hannah: Massachusetts has
offered a few amnesty programs lately, but unlike other programs, this amnesty is for individuals and businesses who have not registered, not
filed or have underreported their taxes. Tax penalties and any interest due on those penalties will be waived. This is an opportunity to bring people
into compliance in a way that limits their liability and their risk. There are also two bonus features:
• Taxpayers not previously contacted by the DOR will benefit from a three-year
limited lookback period. If a taxpayer reports and pays the tax due plus interest during MA Tax Amnesty 2016, any returns and associated tax,
penalties and interest for any earlier tax periods will not be required to be reported and will not be subject to future assessment by the DOR in the
absence of fraud or other criminal intent.
• DOR will not initiate a criminal investigation or seek prosecution in relation to any returns submitted and paid in good faith under
this amnesty program. Once you have
determined the amount of tax due, there is an easy, secure, online Amnesty Return available online. The period for filing amnesty
returns is April and May of this year. More information is available at mass.gov/TaxAmnesty including FAQs.
For those of you who observe Easter, I wish you a wonderful holiday!
Amy A. Pitter President &

CPA Day of Service: Make it Count (6/24)
The CPA Day of Service is the
perfect opportunity for your organization to come together as a team, give back to the local community and unite with other members of the profession!
Last year, over 500 members participated – help us reach our 2016 goal of over 700 members! Check out this video from last year's CPA Day of Service.
Opportunities NAMI-Western Mass,
Inc. - Treasurer Center for Teen Empowerment - Treasurer
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action - Bookkeeper
 South Shore Breakfast Forum: GRAT Planning for Closely Held
Businesses (3/31)
 Competition Judges
Needed Business Professionals of
America (BPA), a student organization whose purpose is to support middle level, high school, and college students interested in business careers, is
in need of volunteers to judge student competitions at its National Leadership Conference in Boston from May 6-8. Categories include
finance/accounting; business administration; management information systems; digital communication and design; management; marketing; and

Professionals Needed to Network with College
Students (4/6)
Join us for an hour of refreshments and conversation! College students
participating in the MSCPA’s “The Next Step”
workshop will have a chance to practice their newly-acquired networking skills at a reception hosted by PwC at its new office at 101 Seaport
Boulevard. The reception will be held from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. It’s a valuable opportunity to share your insights and promote your firm to aspiring
CPAs. Please contact Erica if interested.

Expert Advice on Nonprofit Board Service

Absurd Tax Break Requests: Darth Vader and Other "Clients" Weigh In
 Changes to Household Employment That Will
Affect Families in 2016

6 Ways Women CPAs Can
Advance Their Careers
IRS Announces New Form 3115
 Voluntary Disclosure Pilot
 House of Representatives
Seeks to Expand Tax Amnesty Program If agreed to by the Senate, the bill would extend the
eligibility period, applying the amnesty to returns due on or before December 31, 2015, with a limited lookback of four years.

Take the MSCPA Quarterly Taxpayer Analysis Survey
The MSCPA is preparing to launch a quarterly taxpayer behavioral analysis to allow state
officials to better project tax collections and revenue. As CPAs in Massachusetts, you have a unique and unmatched perspective on revenue growth and
taxpayer behavior. Our ability to provide this information will put CPAs at the table for these conversations, and grow our reputation as the trusted