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Dear Hannah: You may be aware
that H&R Block recently launched a radio spot and video, which misrepresent the CPA profession and mislead the public about the expertise,
experience and practice standards of CPA tax practitioners. You can
watch the video here. The Massachusetts
Society of CPAs, with the AICPA, is taking action to remove these ads. AICPA president and CEO Barry Melancon sent a letter to William Cobb, H&R
Block president and CEO, requesting his organization to remove these promotional spots from H&R Block’s media buy. The Society is also
sending a letter to Mr. Cobb, and as a member of the Society – and the profession – I encourage you to voice your concerns. We have
prepared this letter for you to use, at your discretion.
Grassroots support in situations like this one has
helped the profession achieve results. The MSCPA remains committed to promote and protect the CPA profession, and position the CPA as the trusted
adviser to individuals and businesses worldwide. I am hopeful that with your support, and backing from the AICPA, we will yield a positive outcome. If
you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact me.
Amy A. Pitter
President & CEO
Save the Date: Aspire to Lead - Series on Leadership and Gender Equality:
Take Your Career to Center Stage. Lessons from the Business of Hollywood (5/11) Join the MSCPA and PwC for a discussion on leadership skills and an evening of
networking. Hear from Hollywood as the webcast features Geena Davis, Dawn Hudson (CEO of the Academy), Jenifer Yuh Nelson (first female solo director
to be nominated for an Academy Award), Peter Yobo (PwC US advisory senior associate) and moderator Michael Fenlon (PwC's global and U.S. talent leader
and deputy human capital leader). Stay tuned for registration details.
Nominate an Outstanding Educator - Educator of the Year
Award Would you like to honor an
accounting professor for his/her teaching excellence and success in motivating students? The MSCPA's Annual Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is
designed to recognize full-time accounting faculty who are actively involved in the accounting profession and the Society. The winner will receive an
award of $1,000 to further his/her professional development and a matching gift will be given to the college's accounting department in their honor.
The deadline is April 1, 2016.

Professionals Needed to Network with College Students (4/6)
Join us for an hour of refreshments and conversation! College students
participating in the MSCPA’s “The Next Step”
workshop will have a chance to practice their newly-acquired networking skills at a reception hosted by PwC at its new office at 101 Seaport
Boulevard. The reception will be held from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. It’s a valuable opportunity to share your insights and promote your firm to aspiring
CPAs. Please contact Erica if interested.

Busy Season Tricks for Your Tax Software

66 Time Management Tips to Help You Survive Busy Season
 5 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Questions CPAs Should
Ask Before Having Kids

Women's History Month Fact: 60.9% of
all accountants and auditors in the U.S are women.
Accounting and Auditing Conference (6/10)
Keep on top of the issues! Join the MSCPA for a comprehensive look at the new standards,
review best practices and get answers to your questions from the experts.
 2016 Master Blend Conference: Make Your Own Mix
(6/22) We're coming to Longmeadow! Join us at Bay Path University for a conference that's all about
you! Mix and match your sessions to create your own experience that best suits your needs.
 Upcoming Webinars: Deceit, Lies and Embezzlement: How I Stole $350,000 (3/22)

Detecting and Preventing Accounts Payable Fraud

Update Tax Fraud Scams are Skyrocketing
Update Voluntary Disclosure Pilot Program

Take the MSCPA Quarterly Taxpayer Analysis Survey
The MSCPA is preparing to launch a quarterly taxpayer behavioral analysis to allow state
officials to better project tax collections and revenue. As CPAs in Massachusetts, you have a unique and unmatched perspective on revenue growth and
taxpayer behavior. Our ability to provide this information will put MA CPAs at the table for these conversations, and grow our reputation as the
trusted adviser. 