Dear Hannah,
The race is on! We have more scholarship applications than ever, so we need you to help the next generation of accountants make it to the finish line.
The MSCPA recently launched a scholarship specifically for accounting students from the top 14 alma maters of our members, and its success depends on
you. Right now, UMass Amherst
and Bentley are in the lead with Babson and Bryant nipping at their heels. See how your school is doing and donate by April 1 to move your
college ahead! A student at each of the 14 schools that receive $2,500 in designated donations will receive a scholarship. If a school doesn’t
meet the $2,500 threshold, your donation will be used for Exam vouchers for accounting graduates. Tell your friends, tell your enemies - Don’t
leave your school at the gate! Watch this video to see the impact your donation will have on future
recipients. As this particular scholarship is in its infancy, we need your support now more than ever, and your donation is tax deductible.
Please, be true to your school and donate today. Have a great weekend!
Amy Pitter MSCPA President/CEO

Member Benefit - 2017 Hockey East Championship Tournament (3/17) The Hockey East Championship Tournament is returning to TD Garden next week! Bring friends, family, colleagues or
another group to the Semifinal or Final games and you could save up to $7 per ticket.
To purchase group tickets or for more information, please contact TD Garden Group Sales at
Build Your Client List This Tax Season
The MSCPA recently launched a digital ad campaign to promote the professionalism and
dependability CPAs bring to the table. As a member benefit, MSCPA members can use all advertisements for their own marketing efforts! Get started now
and promote your

MSCPA Fitness Challenge - Top 3 Teams This
1) Saba, Colman & Hunt
2) Meaden & Moore,
LLP 3) Hague, Sahady & Co.
A special thank you to Axial Benefits Group for making this challenge possible!
Last Call for Buzz and Classified Announcements
Do you have
news to share? Submissions to the MSCPA’s Buzz section and Classified advertisements in our SumNews magazine are due next Friday, March
17. This issue will reach members the first full week in May. For more information about the Buzz, email Hannah Naranjo at For information and pricing for our Classified ads, email Kristin Wells at To view our March issue, click
Economic Optimism Surges Sharp Turns: Unexpected Twists in the 2017 Tax Filing Season
9 Strategies to Increase Audit Quality
New Ways for Internal Auditors to Apply Their
February Revenue Collections Total $1.177 Billion
Ernst & Young Makes History with New Head of Boston Office
Save the Date: Young Professional After
Tax Season Bash (4/27)
Celebrate the end of tax season at the MSCPA's Annual Young Professional After Tax Season Bash on
Thursday, April 27 at the Atlantic Beer Garden. Pre-registration is required – reserve your spot today!
FUTURE CPAs Apply Online for an MSCPA Ed Foundation Scholarship
Need help
with the cost of tuition and books? Scholarships in the amount of $2,500 are available for undergrad and graduate accounting students who are
earning at least nine credits at a Massachusetts college or university. Students who are residents of Massachusetts and attending an out-of-state
college are also eligible. Awards will be presented at a recognition reception on May 17 at the Granite Links Country Club in Quincy. Hurry, the
deadline is April 1!
Financial Assistance for CPA Exam Candidates
We know the
CPA Exam is expensive, that’s why we established a lottery to award $500 vouchers to get you on your way. To be eligible, you must be a
Massachusetts resident who plans to sit for the exam between May 1, 2017 and April 30, 2018. In addition, you cannot receive financial assistance
from your employer in the form of payments/reimbursements of exam fees or review courses, or a bonus upon passing.
- Senior Auditor - Hague, Sahady & Co., CPA's, PC

- Fiduciary SSN/EIN Input Required for E-Filing
- NY State Filing Req by Non-Resident LLC
- Life Estate