Hannah: I know many of you are heads down now with taxes, busy season and year
ends, so I won’t burden you with information about MSCPA events we are planning for April, May and June. Instead, I’d like to offer
some reminders and tips from a great session we had at the 2015 MAP Conference from Dr. David Posen, also known as “Doctor Calm.” His
presentation focused on the real dangers of workplace stress and how easy it is to get into a vicious cycle of less sleep and leisure leading to
fatigue, leading to inefficiency, leading to longer hours, leading to less sleep and leisure, and so on. He recognized that in short bursts, stress
can increase productivity, but it is a loser in the long run. He has two sets of tips that I hope will help:
First – Practice good health habits
- Good nutrition;
- Adequate
- Regular exercise; and
- Avoid
vices (excess caffeine and alcohol; no tobacco or drugs).
Second – Deal with the data deluge
- Don’t start your day with email;
- Check 2-3 times a day – turn off
anything that rings or beeps;
- Create a “need to answer file” in your email;
- Avoid “reply all” and “CC” (send less, get less); and
- Get off lists.
Have a great weekend, and try to get a little downtime.
Amy A. Pitter
President & CEO
Upcoming Committee Meeting
- Marketing Committee (3/3)
Online for an MSCPA Educational Foundation Scholarship
Scholarships in the amount of $2,500 are available for undergraduate and graduate accounting students who are earning at
least nine credits at a Massachusetts college or university. Students who are residents of Massachusetts and attending an out-of-state college are
also eligible. Scholarships will be presented at an awards reception on May 24 at the Granite Links Golf Club in Quincy. The application deadline is
April 1.  Financial Assistance for CPA Exam Candidates
In an effort to
increase the number of test takers and defray exam costs, the Society will hold a lottery to award vouchers in the amount of $500 to candidates
planning to sit for the exam between May 1, 2016 and April 30, 2017. To be eligible, the individual must be a Massachusetts resident who will not
receive financial assistance from his or her employer in the form of payments/reimbursements of exam fees or review courses, or a bonus upon
New Hampshire Society of CPAs CEO Announces Her
After 33 years of dedicated service to the NHSCPA,
Marlene Gazda has announced her retirement, effective as of June 2016. A
committee has been formed to search for her replacement. Resumes and letters of interest may be submitted to the search committee at ceosearchcommittee@nhscpa.org or mailed to 1750 Elm Street, Suite 403,
Manchester, NH, 03104 by March 15, 2016. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. For more information, including a
job description, click below.

Update Your MSCPA Profile!
We know that deleting emails isn’t billable. We want
you to spend your time reading content that’s valuable, applicable and important to you. Update your profile and receive only the emails you
FASB Final Accounting Standards Update
FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842). Learn
what these changes mean, why they are being updated and when they will take effect.

8 Common Income Tax Myths
 15 Minutes Could Save You 15 Hours This Busy Season
 Meet the CPAs Who Count the Oscar

Accounting & Auditing Conference (6/10)
Join us for the 2016 Accounting & Auditing Conference! Highlights include AICPA updates, SSARS No. 21, tax basis financial statements, peer
review, FASB and more!

Webinars 10 Steps to a Digital Office in the Cloud (3/1)
 Fraud: 10 Scary Cases in Audits (3/1)  Microsoft Office 365 - What You Should Know (3/2)

Tax Resources
AICPA's 2015 Annual Compliance
During tax season, don’t forget to utilize the
AICPA Compliance Kit filled with checklists, organizers, and engagement letters for key practice areas, including Corporations, Estates, Trusts &
Gifts, Exempt Organizations, Individuals, Partnerships, and S Corporations.

IRS Tax Season
The IRS is urging practitioners to utilize the
agency’s online resources to answer questions or get more information. View the full list of resources.

DOR Information for Tax
The DOR has a resource page for tax
professionals with links to forms and instructions, news and reports, the DOR staff directory and more.
 Updated Approved Software Vendors For information on approved software vendors, updated as recently as this week, click